Expert for rare stamps and covers

I have been collecting stamps since I was seven years old and became enthusiastic about classical philately, meaning old and valuable stamps, at an early age. At the beginning of 1992 my stamp business was registered and in the meantime I have been a professional philatelist for more than 30 years. Over the years I have met many important collectors and dealers at international exhibitions and renowned auctions, both domestic and foreign, who valued me as an expert advisor and business partner.
In 1997, at the age of 24, I became the youngest member of the Bund Philatelistischer Prüfer (BPP) for the “Bremen” area of expertise. In 2005 I was admitted to the Association International des Experts en Philatelie (AIEP). I have been expertising “Swiss Cantonal Stamps” since 2016 and became the first foreign member of the Swiss Stamp Expert Association (SBPV) two years later.
As a long-standing member of various international associations and research communities I support their work and
philatelic publications.
Till Neumann in a TV interview 2012.


- I am happy to help you build and expand your collection and can give advice and support at every stage.
- Through contacts with international jurors, important exhibition collectors and also through my own experience, unnecessary errors and expenses can be avoided.
- Every effort is made to find and obtain missing pieces – if possible without them appearing on the public market.
- Frequently I inspect and purchase pieces on behalf of customers at auctions.
- In doing so, authenticity, quality and price are expertly evaluated – independent of available auction descriptions and examinations/expertisations.
- Of assistance is my philatelic reference library which is one of the most extensive in the world.
- I own and maintain detailed data bases on many interesting topics.
- If you want to mount and write up an important collection for exhibition, I will gladly do this for you – also, of course, if it is not to be exhibited.
- Further more I can offer beautiful collections of individual areas intact, as a starting point for a new area of interest or as an addition to an already existing one.
- So please feel free to get in touch if you want to sell single pieces or even whole collections discreetly.
- I am always interested in buying beautiful or rare stamps and covers directly.
- References from almost all relevant philatelic auction houses are available, but also from my main bank, with which I have been working for 25 years.
- No matter what plans you have, contact me with confidence. I am always available with enthusiasm and competence and of course everything remains 100% confidential.


As I am traveling a lot, don’t hesitate to call me on my mobile phone – even outside the usual business hours.
Of course, you are also welcome to visit me in my office by appointment in the centre of Bremen. In addition, I would be happy to visit you personally or meet you at an auction or exhibition.
I’m looking forward hearing from you!
Till NeumannOsterdeich 32
28203 Bremen
Phone +49 421 79 40 260
Mobile +49 177 79 40 260
E-mail tn@klassische-philatelie.de